Sunday, November 28, 2010

Herpes Or Folliculitis Differences

Green Mamba Samba dancing ....

Thus it must be good for the people around me at the Stuttgart meeting Spinnt felt.

Julia lent me a Mallotke Doppeltrittrad. Herrlich! So fast! Just the thing for me ....

So now the result looks:

The fiber is a dream. A hand-dyed green mamba of Spiro.

BFL 90% and 10% lurex ....

Soon I glisten. The Kompositionston may be spun. When, I do not know yet, because the work calls again today. Otherwise I can not do everything all colors. Tomorrow will my team after all find work material. Puuuuuuhh.

Julia, it was a glorious afternoon in Dir I hope the wheel has recovered.

Here's a detail picture:

LG Suzane


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