Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What Do The Clear Jelly Bracelet Colors Mean?

On "Employment": The Holiday

is often argued that one can not compare the life and work style of the teacher with those of other professional groups, since they so many holidays and so "holiday" would have.

Apart from the fact that I do not know how I get from my employees salary more than once a year, a real "holiday" (popularly synonymous with "a holiday travel" , let alone a whole family) should be funding, would I do away with the disrespectful rumor. I did not follow through once expected for the current school year 2007/08, from the beginning of the school year to the end of next summer 2008, that is the beginning of next school year.

Let us take the following items to:
  • The weekly working hours of a high school teacher to be paid today is 40 hours.
  • A comparable (at least: a teacher with civil servant status equivalent) of paid workers in the private sector has 30 vacation days a year.
The weekends and holidays not included, since all the same, would have an employee in the private sector for the duration of the current school year, 248 working days (week after week were counted using a calendar). Minus 30 days of leave to remain like this 218 days that he must spend at work.

A Berlin teacher had (in days) in the same time the following holidays:
  • autumn holiday: 5 days
  • Christmas holidays: 15 days
  • Winter Holiday: 1 day
  • Easter holidays: 10 days
  • Pentecost: 4 days
  • summer vacation: 32 days
  • along with two school-free "bridge day"
results in the sum of the 69 "holiday" days, ie 39 more than a worker in the private sector. The 40-hour week, provided (that is, eight hours a day), you have 39 * 8 = 312 hours, the pay of teachers in the remaining weeks to the office workers more to under the Condition mind you, that he in all of his vacation nothing, absolutely nothing for his job, so the school does, that the entire 69 days "holiday" are. The teacher compared to office workers in the same period only 179 instead of 218 work days for which he must distribute 312 "advantage" for hours.

Now we expect 312 hours divided by 179 days and get a longer by 1.74 hours of daily working hours or, multiplied by 5 days per week, per week 8.72 hours weekly working time to the office workers. We round this number once generously to 10, to mean any count and offset / or rounding errors this means that a high school teacher of today would have to serve 50 instead of 40 hours per week to come in 69 "vacation days" in the same working hours as 30 vacation days - and thus, as I said to get through the holidays without any professional commitment.

My professional reality now looks like I "in normal operation, so if pending
  • no intermediate school,
  • no correction of high school exams as a first corrector,
  • no correction of high school exams as a second corrector and pending
  • no correction of "particular achievement" if no
  • Statistics produced and
  • are no products to write,
this 50-hour mark with athletic ease (due to age exists) skip. The weekend is the Eldorado of the high school teacher of today, there can be "at rest" Correct ... And when the school teacher corrected by today's homework, tests, learning checks, class and exams: Only during the holiday ! But what was there?! At 50 hours a week I could but the holidays completely "free up"! After the Easter holidays are weekly working hours (sometimes significantly) over 60 hours not uncommon.

We may remind us:
  • The appointed teacher (full-bodied titled "Assessor of the Magisterium") I get each month about 500 € less than my verbeamteten College (inn) en, for the same work for returnees.
  • I get (sometimes in contrast to my verbeamteten Kolleg (inn) en, but as a rule, in contrast to employees in the private sector) is not a "vacation pay" and not a "Christmas bonus" - or whatever that are also expressed newfangled legal language mag.
  • Intra-school will be recognized this difference in treatment in any way account - it will use the same to me, expecting the same commitment as any other.
makes you / you make yourself a picture: How long can this scenario be maintained without the educational, didactic, socially or professionally negatively on you / deposited to your children?

Would I even begin to make "work to rule", eg for the purpose of ensuring a standard of living, for which I have studied for years, by starting a second job, could not exams corrected in time, could testimonies (including high school certificates ) are not issued on time - and not due to any form of personal recalcitrance, but only because of compliance of what competent by the Senate is expected formalized by me. I ask again: how long, a steady increase in the number of teachers employed in second class and it continues even to officials, the deteriorating working conditions-all this can work?

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the theme of "working time": the teaching load

Once upon a time ... as a high school teacher had to give 22 lessons a week. Currently there are 26th

Once, for simple comparison: a French colleague taught 18 or equivalent qualification, after passing a supplementary examination, 15 hours per week, and only in one subject. Sure: there will take the lessons hour 10 minutes longer. The planning effort for about 20% longer hours is not at 20%, since in these 10 minutes to prepare a new (second) hours issue. A French 18-hour colleague informed yet 18 * 10 = 180 minutes longer, equivalent to four 45-minute hours in Germany. Thus, the German teacher ended up with 22 ... (See above). Does this, however unfortunate it may be that these four hours are in exactly four learning groups more in areas but since the new timetable (= grade x has y hours in specialized z) accumulated during the twelve-year baccalaureate is one-hour teaching subjects - for such as my geography. Episode: A Berlin high school teachers of today would have a maximum case also several times during the school year for about 4 * 30 = prepare 120 students more instruction in designing homework, learning success control and correct on about Guest oral participation and at the end of the school year to find the certification .. . Here, the French 18-hour colleague deserves about as much as a (staff) Berlin high school teachers of today, the 15-hour-mate ... about 15% more !

The time that my colleagues in the Hexagon is thus more available, is used quite often then this, and in addition thus: an additional remuneration, to take at a university or similar institution a teaching job. But on a side note: French high school teacher received for the correction of high school exams after the play principle, an additional fee.

Meanwhile, the Berlin teaching load was 24 hours. The Senate (I use the word as shorthand, as the senate office and then changed its cutting department and renamed) had then an increase in working hours for all officers (the validity of the employees was taken 1:1). Soon after, this increase is taken back - for all but the teachers!

teaching load as a function of the fan

were Firstly some assumptions listed, as I know, has not found any scientific investigation, determines how much the particular combination of subjects a high school teacher's workload . I am working from a colleague who has a bit of teaching experience - a "beginner" is of course a heavier burden because he must work out many things from scratch.

has in terms of preparation of teaching probably every colleague regardless of its combination of subjects, throughout the year a similar burden when he does his work like them accordingly seriously. Depending on the situation in a study group at a given moment in the school year both a German as well as a biology and a physical education class in almost five minutes, will soon be ready in three hours. A greater burden falls on bilingual education (as in my case), since here only a very limited teaching materials are available and must be created in virtually initiative.

It is a different course from the follow-up of education, especially for the corrections. A colleague, about Sport and biology teaching, and mainly in the lower secondary level, has an order of magnitude lower burden in terms of corrections as a colleague, who teaches two so-called correction subjects (about two languages), and to a large extent in the upper secondary now "qualification period" means. I even lie with a "technical correction" (French) and a "non-technical correction" (geography) somewhere in between. The distribution of secondary schools: Sec II plays a significant role, as well as in all "non-correction subjects" in Sec II (semester and high school) must be corrected exams. From my 26-hour teaching load, I teach 18 hours a sec .. II

who now reflexively think: "Well then would have to work the sports teachers simply more", is of course thoroughly on the wrong track - because physical education is ideal as well prepared, (.. Sportgeräte.) mentally and material side, and sport Kolleg (inn ) s have to take final exams at school. They are also outside the classroom to prepare charge of competitions in which students participate (in) the school or the school at all hosts.

It is 24 November, I sense a harbinger of a cold have three exams on the desk - Geography 13, Geography 12 bilingual, French 12-credit course - which all to 17 12. must be corrected, as the Berlin Colleges Student Union this year will come in the dubious pleasure of finding their products already under the tree. The teaching course run normally. Classic dilemma situation - would actually now a 60-week period until the end censorship, but if I do not procrastinate again my cold, as previously done twice already, I would have to reduce my time commitment really. The conditions under which a Berlin high school teachers today must work, have no mercy.

I think it would make sense, the weekly number of hours after formulaic combination of subjects sec and the ratio I: II sec set. Dear parents, support us! I'm sure you also believe that their children benefit when their teachers get the chance to prepare any time challenging lessons and outside the censor relevant student-teacher meeting for your child as his, advice, general questions answering or the offer of joint ventures. "Education" in the school also has a component outside the classroom, for the moment, as it remains in no time. This scenario could I meet when I am in my current teaching position (18 hours sec II, nine hours of bilingual education) more than 18 hours per week would teach. I would also like (!) Ready, as proposed by several politicians, two or three official "contact hours" to have. I am very happy at the RoRo, physically speaking, it is with us feel good to be a really nice campus, where it is not difficult to imagine. Prepare correct exams or I can but do not because the necessary work environment-as well as at any other school-not present.

A generalization of an "attendance time" is absurd mockery. Or does someone out that will be in the next 50 years in Berlin resources available on our site to build an office tower in which every teacher would be a perfect (and on his terms) equipped office can relate?

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the theme of "working time": the beautiful life of the teacher

haunts in some circles about a saying: "Teachers have rights mornings and afternoons free." If it were, I had a really nice life.

How random seem, I mean just careful to be that such groups, whose members perform a traditional "nine-to-five job" which, although has the disadvantage that you do not like a teacher-to- 15 clock can go shopping, but can also have the advantage that you usually do not take work home, at which one sits often until midnight and on weekends to pursue jobs as well as activities, where-at least temporarily-is not expected in the teaching profession. Next we hear the above, sometimes by people who have roughly the same amount of work as a school teacher from Berlin today, maybe sometimes even a little more, and therefore claim that, teachers would "always complaining". They often forget that they work for their effort with the double, triple, ... which are paid what a Berlin high school teacher by day as a salary (not as grade - Officials we are "young teachers" not more) replaced. Because someone wants to bring the "holidays" into the game, the week-long "vacation" from teachers? See the message: "On the subject of working hours: The Holiday."


Meaning, I proclaim a wisdom of the students impressed nods and ponders in silence for minutes? Meaning, I suppress the student with a command-like arrival and desist, which she performs inspired by my authority and internalized? Dear Parents: You have under the new law the right to attend-to-application and then to put your child in the classroom and teaching. Could it be that this option as they rarely do is because you do not have time to talk have to do something more meaningful (we have in some way and figuratively something in common) or because you too stressful to appear "with 30 wild, adolescent children" sit together (which also Such a saying is that can shine through in contrast to the former a little understanding and appreciation for the teaching profession)?

but I would hope that as a person with a university education in the exercise of my profession in relation to my students as a rule "law was." Otherwise the very existence of my job would also become futile. Otherwise Are we, again under the new law, also required to take more educational work, as has been anticipated earlier, and that includes, to teach children that they (a) not doubt anything will, what is a teacher himself, and (b) that it will necessarily have your say if they suspect that something was said or Incorrect is on the board. Fortunately, our students bring to the RoRo, these qualities in most cases already in the home with. To schools elsewhere behaves definitely different, and forces itself upon me the question whether the increased need caused by authoritarian trade really the teachers may be held against or rather the result of (parental) home negligence. Also parents, so I hope her children are against it in the position to have "legal" in most cases, and willing to differing perceptions of their children in this regard to discuss with them or discuss them. In general, then, I mean, I have no more and no less entitled to "rights" against young people, maybe not congruent fields, but teachers: the "rightness" is intrinsic to my job.

["free" have]

A high school teacher from Berlin today spends only about 50% of his time in the classroom. The percentage varies from subject combination to secure combination of subjects and also depends on the grade levels taught. In my case it is below 50%.
  • addition to plenty of conferences (general conferences, technical meetings, French, conferences geography, Conferences Social Sciences bilingual - four to six per year, in the afternoon),
  • parents evenings,
  • parent-teacher evenings,
  • Saturday's school events,
  • class trips and exchange trips (= service around to the Clock)
I spend about half my time at home at,
  • the (didactic-strategic) preparing lessons,
  • when building work material,
  • when driving attendance records and statistics,
  • at correcting homework, class tests, semester exams, written tests the intermediate certificate at the end of the 10th class, their school exams, school exams for foreign Berlin ("proofreading"), foreign high school exams from France (again second-correction) and "Special educational services" under the new fifth test component in the high school ,
  • with the organization (planning application) of student trips and, in the aftermath, with its billing and then sometimes
  • with the letter of certification
as well as telephone calls, offers, orders and to keep records as part of my duty as a party responsible for media. More relevant to academic His activities are not included in this calculation: phone calls and meetings with parent or guardian, meet with colleagues (inn) en, for example, to discuss audit issues, the "Preview" film material (eg, "SPIEGEL"-DVD) for the purpose of determining whether this is useful for teaching ...

The above appearing dark points are those that have been added without any facilities elsewhere at before last or last school year. In the case of the corrections that naturally occurs while waiting for more work on only occasionally, but because of parallelism for the correction of other audit work so abundant that the mass is no more to do high quality. Smears are - unless you work at a psychologist wants to make representations - inevitable: Either the corrections in the form of accelerated and made so superficial, or shall be waived for a period not less than three weeks for the preparation of teaching a large extent.

We are not yet in the end. In addition to the points dark red top in the past two years the Berlin high school teachers of today following still with them partly related multi-tasks of reading and application have been imposed:
  • new evaluation grid for the newly introduced types of tests, coupled with
  • many for many guidelines on compliance and implementation, as well as
  • new core curricula for all subjects, each for the lower secondary and upper secondary
  • a new education law, followed by a number of new design rules,
  • new regulations for the lower secondary and upper secondary education and for the Abitur, which have been amended over time, several times, to
  • the development of a school's profile in professional groups,
  • the online input of various statistical data and
  • ... sure I've forgotten something.
All new - all well? I hope it has become clear that if I, as of the new rules required, demanding and make the student body appropriate corrections, and also the desideratum of preparing lessons now and again take seriously wants to by some of these papers date only the cover page know ... I attach great value to sleep now and again to visit the bathroom or take a friend.

So if anyone even this type of "freedom", the "free having or developing a" right " want to know the form of "legal having" a few weeks to personal opinion, I offer an exchange transaction. Internships, practical experience in other areas are so new sign of the times!