is often argued that one can not compare the life and work style of the teacher with those of other professional groups, since they so many holidays and so "holiday" would have.
Apart from the fact that I do not know how I get from my employees salary more than once a year, a real "holiday" (popularly synonymous with "a holiday travel" , let alone a whole family) should be funding, would I do away with the disrespectful rumor. I did not follow through once expected for the current school year 2007/08, from the beginning of the school year to the end of next summer 2008, that is the beginning of next school year.
Apart from the fact that I do not know how I get from my employees salary more than once a year, a real "holiday" (popularly synonymous with "a holiday travel" , let alone a whole family) should be funding, would I do away with the disrespectful rumor. I did not follow through once expected for the current school year 2007/08, from the beginning of the school year to the end of next summer 2008, that is the beginning of next school year.
Let us take the following items to:
- The weekly working hours of a high school teacher to be paid today is 40 hours.
- A comparable (at least: a teacher with civil servant status equivalent) of paid workers in the private sector has 30 vacation days a year.
The weekends and holidays not included, since all the same, would have an employee in the private sector for the duration of the current school year, 248 working days (week after week were counted using a calendar). Minus 30 days of leave to remain like this 218 days that he must spend at work.
A Berlin teacher had (in days) in the same time the following holidays:
A Berlin teacher had (in days) in the same time the following holidays:
- autumn holiday: 5 days
- Christmas holidays: 15 days
- Winter Holiday: 1 day
- Easter holidays: 10 days
- Pentecost: 4 days
- summer vacation: 32 days
- along with two school-free "bridge day"
results in the sum of the 69 "holiday" days, ie 39 more than a worker in the private sector. The 40-hour week, provided (that is, eight hours a day), you have 39 * 8 = 312 hours, the pay of teachers in the remaining weeks to the office workers more to under the Condition mind you, that he in all of his vacation nothing, absolutely nothing for his job, so the school does, that the entire 69 days "holiday" are. The teacher compared to office workers in the same period only 179 instead of 218 work days for which he must distribute 312 "advantage" for hours.
Now we expect 312 hours divided by 179 days and get a longer by 1.74 hours of daily working hours or, multiplied by 5 days per week, per week 8.72 hours weekly working time to the office workers. We round this number once generously to 10, to mean any count and offset / or rounding errors this means that a high school teacher of today would have to serve 50 instead of 40 hours per week to come in 69 "vacation days" in the same working hours as 30 vacation days - and thus, as I said to get through the holidays without any professional commitment.
My professional reality now looks like I "in normal operation, so if pending
Now we expect 312 hours divided by 179 days and get a longer by 1.74 hours of daily working hours or, multiplied by 5 days per week, per week 8.72 hours weekly working time to the office workers. We round this number once generously to 10, to mean any count and offset / or rounding errors this means that a high school teacher of today would have to serve 50 instead of 40 hours per week to come in 69 "vacation days" in the same working hours as 30 vacation days - and thus, as I said to get through the holidays without any professional commitment.
My professional reality now looks like I "in normal operation, so if pending
- no intermediate school,
- no correction of high school exams as a first corrector,
- no correction of high school exams as a second corrector and pending
- no correction of "particular achievement" if no
- Statistics produced and
- are no products to write,
this 50-hour mark with athletic ease (due to age exists) skip. The weekend is the Eldorado of the high school teacher of today, there can be "at rest" Correct ... And when the school teacher corrected by today's homework, tests, learning checks, class and exams: Only during the holiday ! But what was there?! At 50 hours a week I could but the holidays completely "free up"! After the Easter holidays are weekly working hours (sometimes significantly) over 60 hours not uncommon.
We may remind us:
We may remind us:
- The appointed teacher (full-bodied titled "Assessor of the Magisterium") I get each month about 500 € less than my verbeamteten College (inn) en, for the same work for returnees.
- I get (sometimes in contrast to my verbeamteten Kolleg (inn) en, but as a rule, in contrast to employees in the private sector) is not a "vacation pay" and not a "Christmas bonus" - or whatever that are also expressed newfangled legal language mag.
- Intra-school will be recognized this difference in treatment in any way account - it will use the same to me, expecting the same commitment as any other.
makes you / you make yourself a picture: How long can this scenario be maintained without the educational, didactic, socially or professionally negatively on you / deposited to your children?
Would I even begin to make "work to rule", eg for the purpose of ensuring a standard of living, for which I have studied for years, by starting a second job, could not exams corrected in time, could testimonies (including high school certificates ) are not issued on time - and not due to any form of personal recalcitrance, but only because of compliance of what competent by the Senate is expected formalized by me. I ask again: how long, a steady increase in the number of teachers employed in second class and it continues even to officials, the deteriorating working conditions-all this can work?
Would I even begin to make "work to rule", eg for the purpose of ensuring a standard of living, for which I have studied for years, by starting a second job, could not exams corrected in time, could testimonies (including high school certificates ) are not issued on time - and not due to any form of personal recalcitrance, but only because of compliance of what competent by the Senate is expected formalized by me. I ask again: how long, a steady increase in the number of teachers employed in second class and it continues even to officials, the deteriorating working conditions-all this can work?
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