Tuesday, November 6, 2007

How To Get Air Bubbles Out Of Dry Wallpaper

the theme of "working time": the teaching load

Once upon a time ... as a high school teacher had to give 22 lessons a week. Currently there are 26th

Once, for simple comparison: a French colleague taught 18 or equivalent qualification, after passing a supplementary examination, 15 hours per week, and only in one subject. Sure: there will take the lessons hour 10 minutes longer. The planning effort for about 20% longer hours is not at 20%, since in these 10 minutes to prepare a new (second) hours issue. A French 18-hour colleague informed yet 18 * 10 = 180 minutes longer, equivalent to four 45-minute hours in Germany. Thus, the German teacher ended up with 22 ... (See above). Does this, however unfortunate it may be that these four hours are in exactly four learning groups more in areas but since the new timetable (= grade x has y hours in specialized z) accumulated during the twelve-year baccalaureate is one-hour teaching subjects - for such as my geography. Episode: A Berlin high school teachers of today would have a maximum case also several times during the school year for about 4 * 30 = prepare 120 students more instruction in designing homework, learning success control and correct on about Guest oral participation and at the end of the school year to find the certification .. . Here, the French 18-hour colleague deserves about as much as a (staff) Berlin high school teachers of today, the 15-hour-mate ... about 15% more !

The time that my colleagues in the Hexagon is thus more available, is used quite often then this, and in addition thus: an additional remuneration, to take at a university or similar institution a teaching job. But on a side note: French high school teacher received for the correction of high school exams after the play principle, an additional fee.

Meanwhile, the Berlin teaching load was 24 hours. The Senate (I use the word as shorthand, as the senate office and then changed its cutting department and renamed) had then an increase in working hours for all officers (the validity of the employees was taken 1:1). Soon after, this increase is taken back - for all but the teachers!

teaching load as a function of the fan

were Firstly some assumptions listed, as I know, has not found any scientific investigation, determines how much the particular combination of subjects a high school teacher's workload . I am working from a colleague who has a bit of teaching experience - a "beginner" is of course a heavier burden because he must work out many things from scratch.

has in terms of preparation of teaching probably every colleague regardless of its combination of subjects, throughout the year a similar burden when he does his work like them accordingly seriously. Depending on the situation in a study group at a given moment in the school year both a German as well as a biology and a physical education class in almost five minutes, will soon be ready in three hours. A greater burden falls on bilingual education (as in my case), since here only a very limited teaching materials are available and must be created in virtually initiative.

It is a different course from the follow-up of education, especially for the corrections. A colleague, about Sport and biology teaching, and mainly in the lower secondary level, has an order of magnitude lower burden in terms of corrections as a colleague, who teaches two so-called correction subjects (about two languages), and to a large extent in the upper secondary now "qualification period" means. I even lie with a "technical correction" (French) and a "non-technical correction" (geography) somewhere in between. The distribution of secondary schools: Sec II plays a significant role, as well as in all "non-correction subjects" in Sec II (semester and high school) must be corrected exams. From my 26-hour teaching load, I teach 18 hours a sec .. II

who now reflexively think: "Well then would have to work the sports teachers simply more", is of course thoroughly on the wrong track - because physical education is ideal as well prepared, (.. Sportgeräte.) mentally and material side, and sport Kolleg (inn ) s have to take final exams at school. They are also outside the classroom to prepare charge of competitions in which students participate (in) the school or the school at all hosts.

It is 24 November, I sense a harbinger of a cold have three exams on the desk - Geography 13, Geography 12 bilingual, French 12-credit course - which all to 17 12. must be corrected, as the Berlin Colleges Student Union this year will come in the dubious pleasure of finding their products already under the tree. The teaching course run normally. Classic dilemma situation - would actually now a 60-week period until the end censorship, but if I do not procrastinate again my cold, as previously done twice already, I would have to reduce my time commitment really. The conditions under which a Berlin high school teachers today must work, have no mercy.

I think it would make sense, the weekly number of hours after formulaic combination of subjects sec and the ratio I: II sec set. Dear parents, support us! I'm sure you also believe that their children benefit when their teachers get the chance to prepare any time challenging lessons and outside the censor relevant student-teacher meeting for your child as his, advice, general questions answering or the offer of joint ventures. "Education" in the school also has a component outside the classroom, for the moment, as it remains in no time. This scenario could I meet when I am in my current teaching position (18 hours sec II, nine hours of bilingual education) more than 18 hours per week would teach. I would also like (!) Ready, as proposed by several politicians, two or three official "contact hours" to have. I am very happy at the RoRo, physically speaking, it is with us feel good to be a really nice campus, where it is not difficult to imagine. Prepare correct exams or I can but do not because the necessary work environment-as well as at any other school-not present.

A generalization of an "attendance time" is absurd mockery. Or does someone out that will be in the next 50 years in Berlin resources available on our site to build an office tower in which every teacher would be a perfect (and on his terms) equipped office can relate?


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